Staffing Software: Key Capabilities and Top Products

Staffing software (temporary staffing software and long-term staffing software) can help staffing agencies find and manage recruits as well as corporate clients. More specifically, it can facilitate communication with clients and recruits, managing recruit profiles, and posting jobs. Also, staffing software helps perform tasks related to matching recruits to job openings, including candidate screening, applicant tracking, and more.

Sometimes, staffing software is referred to as applicant tracking software or recruiting software. But applicant tracking software and recruiting software may also be used by enterprises for their own recruiting needs while staffing software handles the demands of a staffing agency.

Staffing agencies software key capabilities

Staffing software can integrate with email services and calendars, job boards, social media, a staffing agency’s website, and more, which helps increase the efficiency of staffing processes. As regards built-in capabilities of staffing software, we can distinguish the following components:

Applicant tracking system (ATS)

An applicant tracking system is a key component of staffing software. The ATS offers candidate sourcing, resume management, applicant evaluation, and candidate tracking.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Staffing CRM functionality is required for the effective management of an agency’s relationships with clients and candidates. It helps reduce time to hire, add and view candidate data easily, track opportunities, generate detailed real-time reports, and more.

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