Creating a ANDROID app is a mobile operating system  practical approach to expanding an existing business. In addition, this is a chance to increase client loyalty by allowing them to use your services on their smartphone or tablet.

Starting an app begins with a concept or solution to a specific problem and selects an operating system for app development.

On the market now, iOS and Android are the only two solutions worth considering.

Let’s find out which one you prefer: IOS or Android development?

Android vs iOS

Unlike in the past, when there were multiple possibilities, iOS and Android are currently the only platforms worth considering. When combined, they account for about 100% of the mobile market.

According to the most recent statistics, Android and iOS control about 97% of the worldwide smartphone industry. As a result, you should develop and deploy your software simultaneously on both platforms, as there is no reason to explore the third platform.

Unfortunately, due to time, resources, and money restrictions, this strategy may not be feasible. As a result, many entrepreneurs and businesses must consider the advantages and disadvantages of Android vs. iOS apps and launch on one platform first before moving on to the other. There are obvious distinctions between the two platforms.

Aspects to consider while selecting a mobile operating system

When deciding between Android and iPhone app development, these are the significant considerations to consider.

They are as follows:

The availability and cost of talent

Android developers must produce apps that function on various devices, whereas iOS developers are only responsible for Apple products. It’s helpful to know that Android development might take longer in terms of money and schedule.

Target audience

The percentage of your target audience who owns a smartphone must be taken into consideration when deciding between Android and iOS app development. Next, look at demographic data like age, income, and gender to gain a clear picture of your target population. This is a convincing reason to choose iOS over the others if you discover that your target market favors this platform over the others. First, you need to know how many smartphones your target audience owns and which platforms they prefer to use. 

Process of costing and reviewing

These are some of them:

Update to be compatible with the most recent operating system

Thoroughly test and update to work with the most recent devices.

While some developers’ app proposals are accepted within a few hours, there are numerous review horror stories of app submissions being stalled for weeks or even months. It’s crucial to remember that, regardless of how difficult App Store submissions maybe, if your market research suggests that your target market prefers iOS devices, this is the platform you should create first.


The last thing to think about is your monetization plan or generating money from the app. Despite accounting for more than 75% of all worldwide app downloads, Google Play made around 88 percent less income than Apple’s app store last year (2018). This implies that selling an app via a subscription model or in-app purchases is more profitable if you create it for iOS. Ad-based monetization tactics, on the other hand, have a higher success rate in Android apps. Android developers are also growing better at driving customer spending, according to the data.

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