Mobile Automation Testing – Challenges and Tools

mobile automation

Let us begin by understanding the concept of Automation Testing for Mobile apps:

Smartphones are deeply connected with our lives. We use it to do things like call, use Facebook and Twitter, find directions using Maps, check the real-time weather, manage bank accounts, shop online and a lot more things. In short, for almost everything under the sun. Mobile application development in this regard is thus on the rise.

Google Play Store and Apple App Store have a plethora of apps. On average, every idea usually has more than one app. With this increase development of mobile apps, there is an equally increased demand for good quality applications.

More often than not, mobile apps are unresponsive and not compatible with different versions of operating systems. Hence, some users have a good experience while some others don’t. Overall this affects the quality of the apps as well as user experience. To overcome this, quality testing is a must.

As a web developer, testing is at the crux of delivering a fully-functional and bug-free product. Moreover, is an integral part of the Software Development Cycle. However, unlike with desktop software, testing mobile apps is an exhaustive and time-consuming process.

Let us begin by understanding the concept of Automation Testing for Mobile apps:

Automation Testing Life Cycle falls under the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). Unlike Manual Testing, Automation Testing hastens validating the software. However, automation testing comes with its fair share of challenges. Moreover, this task becomes more daunting with mobile apps as each smartphone is configure differently:

Diverse Operating Systems (OS) is one of the key challenges when it comes to mobile automation testing. Automation Testing helps in testing the responsiveness and functionality of your app across various operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows etc.

Taking into account the hardware specifications of a mobile phone and testing it is a challenge, as each phone has a unique design. Hardware includes different screen-size, RAM size & storage, processing speed, CPU optimisation etc.

Finally, the network plays an important role in the running of a mobile app. Speed and performance of an app may vary on different networks. Also, one should take into account the various network models viz: GPRS/GSM/Wi-Fi/LTE/4G/Bluetooth. Another important concern is that speed of a network may vary depending on the geographic location of the user. If your app, reacts differently to network speed then it could pose a problem.

To overcome these challenges there are different Automation testing tools available today. Let us check some of these.


Appium is an open source automation cross-platform tool, used to test the UI of an app. It is a tool for Android, iOS, Windows development platform. It can test three core types of apps – native, hybrid and mobile web apps. Appium uses Webdriver, Java, C and JavaScript for writing tests and supports several client libraries like Java, C#, PHP, Ruby, Python and JavaScript.As a web pro, this tool is both user and pocket-friendly, especially if you are a new startup and have just begun your development and testing journey.


Bugsee is a cloud-based freemium tool that constantly monitors the state of your app. It reports a bug when it is detect and sends you a detailed information report. To send a report to the app developer, a bug tracker software, in this case, an SDK is embedded in the app. Should you want to use Bugsee on a web app, it can be done by installing a Chrome plugin. Bugsee supports Android and iOS apps. It also supports apps built in Cordova and React Native framework. Bugsee can be use during beta testing, live deployment and initial development phase.

3.Cross Browser Testing

  1. Cross Browser Testing is a Cloud tool allowing testers to run manual, visual and selenium tests easily. It is compatible with over 1500 mobile devices and most desktop browsers testing securely behind firewalls. The three core features of this tools are, live interactive testing, automated testing on several browsers at the same time and visual testing to capture screenshots, comparisons as well as testing if the layout of your app is responsive or not.As a web pro, since this is a web-based testing tool it allows you to share test results with your team easily and helps with collaboration.

Overall, mobile testing, though a relatively complex procedure, is the need of the hour. With the growing rate of smartphones in the market, user competition is also increasing. If you wish for your app to survive in the industry making it robust and agile is the only way to go.

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Testing in software development cycle

Software development

Many different types of tests can be used in software development to make sure that changes to code are working as intended and expected. However, not all tests are based on the same assumptions. The following article describes the different levels of tests used in the software development process. 

Levels of testing in software engineering 

1. Module Testing

Module testing, often referred to as unit testing, is aimed at finding defects and verifying the functionality of the software (such as functions, objects, classes etc) that can be tested separately.

It can be performed in isolation from the rest of the system, depending on the context of the software development cycle and on the system itself. You can use plugs, test drivers, and simulators.

Module testing may include testing of functionality and some non-functional attributes such as resource utilization (e.g. memory leaks) or resilience, as well as structural testing. Test cases are designed from products such as module specification, software design, or data model.

Module testing is typically performed with source code access and with the support of a development environment (e.g. unit test libraries, debugging tools) and, in practice, usually also involves the developer who writes the code. All defects are fixed as soon as they are discovered without formally managing them.

In this case, it is also possible to prepare and automate test cases before coding. This approach is called “test-first” or “test-driven production”. It is a highly iterative approach and is based on a cycle of creating test cases, then building and integrating small pieces of code, executing component tests, fixing bugs, and repeating the process until the tests are passed.

2. Integration tests

Integration tests check if software components work together correctly, trying to detect errors during the interaction between systems or their parts. The interaction between a web application and a database or between two classes is a great example of this.

We can categorize integration tests as system integration tests or module integration tests which differ in scale.

When we talk about the integration of functions, methods, classes – we are dealing with module integration tests.

When we talk about connecting large elements such as programs, entire application modules, or systems, we are talking about large-scale system integration.

3. System tests

The main purpose of system tests is to check whether the solution meets the specified requirements (functional and non-functional). They take place on a fully integrated system. It is best if the environment in which tests will be performed is as close as possible to the production environment where the system will operate.

The difference between the environments comes with the risk that our tests will not detect a failure that may manifest itself in the production environment.

At this stage, you can run end-to-end testing. This includes functional testing from the user’s perspective. Ideally, system testing should be performed by people who know how the software should work. Therefore, for a tester, it is necessary to understand the tested system. There are situations when the system has incomplete or no documentation at all. As a Tester, you must be able to handle this challenge.

4. Acceptance tests

Acceptance tests are most often performed by the client or a team on the client’s side. Its purpose is not to find faults, but to verify that the software is acceptable to contract, law, and customer and user expectations. You can often find this level of testing referred to as “acceptance”. Remember that acceptance tests may not always be the last tests performed. There are three examples in the ISTQB syllabus that can be performed at multiple points in the software life cycle. Tests can be performed:  

  • when installed or integrated
  • during component tests
  • tests of new functionality can be carried out before system tests

5. Soft skills required? 

To be an effective tester one needs to have so-called ‘soft skills’. Efficient cooperation with team members daily requires a wide skill set including the ability to discuss complex issues, translating them (in a simple way) very often to non-technical people.

Furthermore, a good tester has to be a quick learner who is open to feedback. When Agile is a chosen methodology, good organization work and independence are of great importance, manifested in the ability to carry out individual tasks with a great sense of responsibility. A good tester should also be persistent, consistent and be able to cope with stress and fatigue.

 8 Steps You Must Take Before Starting Mobile App Development

mobile app development

Coming up with a unique app idea, no matter what goals you want to achieve with it, simply isn’t enough anymore the mobile app development markets is simply too competitive. It is getting harder to stand out, and the investment is large, both considering your time and budget.

Going into the mobile app development stage unprepared can result in costly, frustrating and brand-damaging mistakes.

However, if you invest your time to piece these building blocks together, you will make the development process fundamentally easier and give yourself lots of competitive advantage. It takes some effort to have a successful app, but it’s incredibly worth it.

So many app developers get too caught up in their app ideas and the big picture of a complete app, that they overlook the early stages. Forget about the day your app launches right now. You must learn how to start an app first, then you can move on to create an app and really dive deep into the app development process.

Let’s get started!

1) Deeply research your market

The first step to inform everything you do moving forward is a thorough market research. You need to know the current offering on the market and use this knowledge to find a gap your app will fill and serve a fresh, complete solution to the problem you’re solving.

Extensive market research should help you discover:

  • Who are your competitors?
  • What is their strategy?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of other app developers in this market?
  • What are their customers saying in the reviews and on social media?
  • What is their unique selling point?

When you have the answers to these questions, you will be able to avoid your competitors’ mistakes, double up on the strategies that work, and clearly define your unique take on the problem and the path to solving it. There are millions of available mobile apps, and this is your opportunity to ensure yours stands out.

Browse through the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store to see what else is out there. If few apps fit the description, it’s either good news or bad news. On the one hand, there might not be a market at all for the app. On the other hand, there could be a void in the market, opening the door for new app businesses to take advantage.

2) Define your elevator pitch and target audience

Can you articulate your app’s specific purpose? Can you name its difference from your website and its specific use cases? This is probably the trickiest step for business owners and marketers. Boiling all your ideas down to one or two sentences of clear purpose is hard, but it’s also one of the core steps to ensuring the success of your app.

This is the time to define:

  • What will be the app’s key functionality? 
  • Can you define what problems your app solves?
  • Who are the potential app users?
  • Why would people want to use it?
  • What is the added value compared to a mobile website?
  • Which business goals will it help you achieve?
  • What audience will benefit from it?
  • What does that audience need and crave?

Being honest when answering these questions will ensure you don’t waste resources on redundant app features or targeting the wrong groups of people.

If you can’t clearly articulate the situation where your app solves a problem, there might not be an app business to pursue here. App ideas are useless if they don’t solve problems for real app users.

By now, you should also be confident about your elevator pitch. If you accidentally found yourself in front of a potential investor and they asked you about your project, how would you convey your mission in only a couple of sentences in less than a minute? Again, strong focus and clarity this early in the process can amplify your success in so many ways, so don’t miss your opportunity to be precise and clear with your app’s purpose early on.

3) Choose between native, hybrid and web app

There are a couple of technical decision to make early on, and this is a crucial one. Choosing between native, hybrid, or a web app carries many implications for your later development and maintenance. This is why it’s key to leverage your market research and the core purpose and functionality you’ve just defined, so you can make the best decision.

The core differentiations between native, hybrid and mobile apps are:

  • The programming languages they are built in. This affects and depends on your budget, desired time frames, and available expertise.
  • Access to native device APIs. This will depend on the device’s functionalities that you want your app to access.
  • Distribution method. This will largely affect the way you market your app and define your promotion strategies.
  • Multi-platform support. This will be based on your target audience and the market you want to penetrate; most often, you will want to be present both on Apple’s App store and Android’s Play store.

Native apps are perfect for heavy-duty tasks such as gaming or the use of photos or videos. On the other hand, web apps are best for solutions that require easy updates, but don’t require any access to device’s native abilities.

These two types sit on the opposite sides of the spectrum, with native apps being most expensive to develop and findable in different app stores, while web apps are quite quick and low-cost to develop, but you can’t amplify them through app stores or have your users download them to their device.

The best of both worlds are hybrid apps: they use the same code base for both platforms, they can access device’s features and they live in both app stores. In short, you can build an iOS app and Android apps simultaneously with a single build. They are also an ideal choice for most app goals and purposes, including productivity, utility and enterprise apps.

Once you’ve decided on your app type, you will much more easily allocate your resources and plan your entire development project.

4) Know your monetization options

An app can play many different roles for your business and your bottom line. Generating revenue directly off the app is an obvious one, while others may simply be serving as a resource for your audience, or indirectly assisting other phases of your sales funnel and increase your brand’s reach.

As with any other choice, each path as benefits and disadvantages. While your decision now can be changed later, it’s important you gain a solid understanding of all the models first, and steer your mobile app development based on what aligns with your business best.

5) Build your app marketing strategy and pre-launch buzz

If there is an element that so heavily affects your app’s success, it’s the preparation to market and amplify it, including your branding, PR, pre-launch efforts, outreach, and simply overall web presence.

This is the right time to start with the following:

  • Define your branding. How will your name, colors, logo and the tone of your content set you apart from the millions of other apps and businesses? Ensure consistency of all these across your app and all platforms you exist on.
  • Find your channels. Where does your target audience mostly hang out? Are they easier to reach through social media or email? Do they prefer video over written content? How much time are they spending on their mobile device?
  • Create content. Based on your answers in the previous point, you should now know what content your audience craves and where to reach them. Start mapping out your written and/or video content and sharing it on selected channels.
  • Kick off your outreach. What people are influencers in your industry, both small and large? Put some effort into reaching out to them in a personalized manner and provide them lots of value for putting your app in front of their audiences.

You can even create an app landing page that you’ll ultimately use to drive app installs and promote all the features. Even if you just have the app title right, it’s worth it to get this page build. Some of you might even take the app’s graphic design concept to create some nice visuals for the landing page. All of this will improve your app marketing strategy.

These steps will make promotion easier when the launch time comes, and you will have a warm community to launch for.

6) Plan for app store optimization

Many steps you’ve done so far, including your market research, your app’s unique purpose and your marketing strategy, largely affect your app store optimization strategy. This is the key to discoverability in the app store; over 60 percent of all apps are found through this organic search.

It’s important to respect both app stores’ requirements and best practices, and use this as a brilliant opportunity for your app to shine with its visuals, features and distinctive purpose.

While you won’t be able to complete all the ASO tasks this early in the process (nor should you), this is an ideal time to start sketching out your final app store look and feel, and ensure that the development follows your ideas.

The key elements for app store optimization are:

  • App name: it should easy to spell and pronounce, unique, and descriptive, fitting within the length limits (50 characters for iOS, 30 for Android)
  • Keywords: this is only applicable to Apple, and it’s an extra space to specify the search terms relevant to your app for the app meta data
  • Icon: use a clear color palette, avoid using lots of small details, and opt in for contrasting colors and a simple, clear concept
  • Screenshots: make sure to use all five screenshots and to leverage caption texts to tell a story and highlight benefits, including the app design
  • Preview video: it should be short and go straight to the point, with a clear and universal message that will work in any localization. You can create YouTube videos and repurpose the content for ASO as well

You’ll need different an app store connect account and developer account to manage your ASO. Things like your app icon and user feedback can also play a role in how the app market perceives your app project. Early adopters have a big impact on the long-term success of your iOS apps and Android app. Getting this right will make it easier for you to offer in app purchases from actual users.

7) Know your resources

Ideally, you’ll be able to announce your launch date ahead to create the buzz around your launch and make people excitedly wait for it.

For this to happen, you need to be aware of the development time frame in front of you. According to Kinvey’s report, most businesses need between 7 months up to over a year to develop and deploy a mobile app.

This is why you need to start conversations with your developers and technical teams as early as possible. This will help you guide your entire project more effectively and allocate appropriate due dates to various planning and development stages, including:

  • Use case(s) definition
  • Mapping of required functionalities
  • Minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Wireframing
  • Programming language/platform selection
  • Coding
  • App design
  • App analytics
  • Testing

You should also think about the way you’re going to make an app. Will you hire an app developer? Or will you use an app builder to make your own app?

These early decisions in the app making process will have a significant impact on your app business and development process over time. With an app builder, you don’t necessarily need to learn iOS development to make an iPhone app for the iOS app store. You don’t need to learn software development for Android apps either.

Another costly factor is the ongoing support of the app. It will require continuous monitoring, crash logs review, optimizing for user experience based on comments, and keeping up to date with the operating system updates.

Knowing what resources you’re working with early on will prevent any emergencies and delays further down the line.

8) Ensure security measures

And finally, you must include a privacy policy in case your app will collect any sensitive information from users. This policy needs to cover what information is being collected and how is it used.

Lots of app developers are so focused on their own apps and the app idea itself that they neglect crucial security features. But security is an important step whenever you make an app or start a new app project.

The security of your app is one of its key points, and you must ensure it is being built early in app development. Your users’ data is your most valuable asset, and you should ensure you have processes in place to collect, handle and store this data, as well as to manage any potential security risks.


web application development 

Today’s web application development industry is one of the most competitive and inventive. New programming languages, frameworks, platforms, products, and tools are released every day. So it’s no surprise that even experienced coders find it challenging to stay updated.

Furthermore, it’s getting increasingly popular since it’s less expensive to create, has many features, and is quite adaptable. Although it has advantages and disadvantages, you will discover that the advantages exceed the disadvantages.

The purpose of this article is to inform you about the most popular web application development products today. When you have web application development services, the procedure will be simple. Moreover, these tools will help you speed up and simplify your web development process.

Here is the list of Most Popular Web Application Development Products Today:

Chrome dev tools

Google Chrome provides several features that can assist with web application development. These are incorporated within the browser and are helpful for web developers. For example, users of DevTools will be able to examine messages right in their console; execute JavaScript in real-time without having to write a single word of code. This might be useful when solving issues or speeding up a website.

For any web developer, Chrome DevTools are a must-have. The performance panel allows you to improve site speed, monitor runtime performance, identify forced synchronous designs in Canvas documents and investigate Network activity quickly due to its built-in Developer Tools feature. 

Furthermore, it also has security features like identifying security issues and detecting Web page errors.

AWS Cloud9

AWS Cloud9 is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that helps you write, execute, and debug various programming languages like JavaScript, Python, C, and PHP using only a browser. It was open-source in 2010. However, in 2016, it was bought by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AWS Cloud9 also allows you to share your development environment and code with your coworkers in real-time. It saves you time and dramatically enhances the quality of your work because it comes preloaded with over 40 programming languages. File dragging, debugging, and code completion recommendations are valuable features.


Angular is a TypeScript-based programming platform. It contains everything you need as an all-in-one set of libraries and tools for creating web apps that can expand from startups to huge enterprises with many developers. 

It also includes a component-based framework that aids in creating scalable database-driven websites without the need to write a lot of code, comprehensive form management solutions such as sanitisation and data validation features, and routing capabilities that make developing easier by providing readymade components. With this fantastic toolbox, you will not have to go far to work on tasks.


The Bootstrap toolkit is a set of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development tools.  This desktop tool is handy for creating Bootstrap-based responsive websites. It comes with various components that you may drag and drop to make responsive web pages. 

The app’s framework is Bootstrap. It creates semantic HTML that is clear and easy to read. The app offers many premium, fully responsive themes, which you may alter. In addition, each design comes with various pages and widgets that you can mix and match to create your ideal website. 

Many stunning components are included in Bootstrap Studio for creating responsive pages. Headers, footers, and galleries are all included in the design. Slides and essential components are also included. Bootstrap Studio can tell you which Bootstrap components are compatible.


Microsoft’s ASP.Net framework is a web application development platform. It is employed in the development of web-based applications. 

The initial version of ASP.Net was launched in 2002. The initial release of ASP.Net was version 1.0. Version 4.6 is the most recent version of ASP.Net. The HTTP protocol is intended to interact with ASP.Net. This is the universal protocol for all web apps.

ASP.NET is a module of the Microsoft.Net platform. ASP.NET applications are compiled scripts created with the.Net framework’s flexible and reusable components or objects. These scripts can access the whole hierarchy of classes in the.Net framework.


CodeLobster is a handy and cross-platform IDE that is also free.  Its primary purpose is to make creating PHP websites more accessible and faster. CodeLobster has been on the market for a long time, and each year it attracts a growing number of new users.

CodeLobster doesn’t work with PHP files. However, this IDE allows developers to modify CSS, HTML, Javascript, and Typescript files. Furthermore, it can give contextual help for any programming languages supported.

CodeLobster is likewise a highly user-friendly and straightforward tool. It combines a variety of essential elements into a single, well-organized location.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a “free editor that assists programmers in writing code, debugging, and correcting code using the intelli-sense approach.” In layman’s words, it makes it easier for users to develop code. Many people claim it’s half an IDE and half an editor, but that’s up to the developers to decide. 

Any program we use is based on code that runs in the background. Traditionally, coding was done in traditional editors or simple ones like notepads. These editors used to give simple and basic assistance to developers.


app development

App development is a constantly innovating field that always find new and intriguing ways to improve user experience. Android was introduced several years ago and started a revolution in mobile operating systems. Since then, many things have changed in mobile app development, mostly for the better.

If you are a developer or entrepreneur, this article will help you find the latest Android app development trends. It is aimed at helping you understand what new features you need in your Android app to make it stand out from the crowd.

1. Rise of Android Instant Apps

What are Instant Apps? Instant apps allow Android users to use apps without downloading them. It opens like a web page and can operate from the cloud. Android Instant Apps were first introduced by ‘Google I/O’.  Check Google Play Instant.

Why do users like Instant Apps? Imagine that you need to use an app that you don’t have installed on your Android device. But you have a poor connection so installing may take a long time. In Instant Apps, you don’t require to install the app on your device. Instant Apps allows users to access in three ways: 

  • Click “Try Now” on the app with Instant functionality.
  • Click on a link and reach directly to that app module.
  • Or by Searching on the web

When a user clicks on a link, banner, or anything with instant functionalities – that user will go directly to a specific page or app’s specific function. 

Consider Android Instant Apps from the developer’s side:

Android Instant Apps require the same source code and APIs, which means you need to create only one app, and you will get users from downloads or web searches. 

2. Android Apps Architecture

Google’s architecture guidelines help in building high-performance and robust applications. Moreover, they serve as a useful starting point building apps with a focus on the code that helps in making the app unique. The architecture helps in creating apps that are more stable and eliminates the confusion between MVC, MVP, and MVVM. 

3. Cloud support

Cloud support is an excellent feature for those who tend to charge several devices and change them often. It helps you access apps on several devices without losing any data. Moreover, you would not need to download all the files again if you have cloud support. 

If you need help with Cloud support, check out SupportPro

4. Improvement of Android app security

As we tend to store a large amount of personal data on our smartphones and other devices, we need to make sure to secure the exchange of personal information over wi-fi networks. With the growth of the mobile industry, there has been an increase in threats and attacks over the Internet. Moreover, app developers are expecting to implement stronger encryption of data and constant security updates to preserve privacy in mobile apps.  

5. Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI and ML are used by smartphones every single day. For instance, you might be aware of Google’s assistant, which helps with the routine tasks efficiently. Moreover, there are several AI-based photo editing apps, which include FaceApp, Prisma, which make use of this technology.

AI-based features such as chatbots, smart predictions, and voice translators are going to gain popularity this year. Moreover, the combination of AI and ML will bring a lot of changes in the future Android development tools. With these technologies, it would be easier to analyze user behavior and make quick interactions with the app to make precise suggestions.

6. Rise of Chatbots

Chatbot has made it easy for the people to respond 24/7. 58% of the B2B businesses are now using chatbots, and it is one of the critical features in Android development. There are a lot of ways in which you can utilize the chatbots as an alternative to customer support as it helps in answering the customers faster. 

7. Wearable App Integration

Wearable technology is becoming a part of our everyday lives and is going to revolutionize how we use digital products for handling our day to day tasks. 

8. IoT-Enabled Mobile App

IoT has brought a lot of opportunities for users and developers over a couple of years, and it is one of the latest trends in Android development. These days you will find almost every device connected with the Internet, and IoT is one such technology that is going to be a developing trend.

According to recent stats, IoT is useful in a variety of industries such as logistics, healthcare, e-commerce, and so on. In addition to that, you can also use IoT for e-learning projects such as Edmodo, C-Pen, Nymi. Tutors can even share learning materials online and communicate with parents to update their children’s progress.

9. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR are changing the way high-quality gaming applications are using. They have taken technology to the next level and have created a seamless experience for the users. 

10. Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallets are going to rage this year as more and more people are now shifting towards using mobile wallets such as Google Wallet that will help in driving purchases over this year. 

11. More Demand for On-Demand Apps

On-demand applications help in analyzing a user’s location and offer them the required services. Moreover, you will be able to appropriate suggestions on nearby places and can easily navigate as well. 

12. Beacons and Location-based devices

There are plenty of developers who use location-based services to enhance user experience and incorporate real-time information. Moreover, with the success of games such as Pokemon Go, the location-based services have gotten a boost and implemented in a variety of ways such as retail, navigation, payment portals, and more. 

13.Rising Trend of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is becoming immensely popular in different industries and is going to evolve shortly as well. It is essential in providing security, public and private blockchain architecture as well as consortium architecture. The app development is achieving great heights and will lead to higher profits. 

Further reading: 12 questions you should ask to your mobile app developer

New Android App Development Trends – Conclusion

Android is becoming more fast-paced and is offering a more unified experience to the users to deliver exclusive customer experiences. The trends in Android app development are surely going enhance business strategies and ensure tremendous growth in the years to come.

I hope that this article helps you to make the best choices for your Android app development project according to latest standard and future-proof methodologies

We can help you to build web and mobile app development according to your requirements. We are best in the results of Clutch for Top Android App Development Company.


programming language

There are lots of programming languages that exist in the IT industry. But PHP is the most preferred programming language by the developer.

Programs and applications built with PHP technology are more robust. Now, you will know why you should use PHP rather than other programming languages.

What makes PHP development differ from other programming languages?

Some popular social media platforms and websites like Facebook, Yahoo, and more have used the PHP language for their development. 

The following incredible advantages of PHP frameworks will force you to choose this language –

  • Open-source language and free of charge
  • PHP-based applications can run on every OS device, including Windows and Linux.
  • Less learning curve due to simple to use
  • Help in reusing an equivalent code; no need to write new code for the latest event of web development 
  • Assistance in managing codes efficiently and effectively
  • The flexibility of PHP make PHP combine with other programming languages 
  • Faster loading time over slow internet than other programming languages
  • Powerful library support
  • Reduce time and effort to build web applications and content-based sites

This is not the end of the advantages of the PHP framework. PHP development technologies also avail many benefits that you will experience during the use of PHP.

However, some professional developers also deny using PHP for your project. This is because it has several disadvantages, like PHP does not allow modification in the core behavior of online apps. But PHP is helping small businesses develop web applications and websites at an affordable cost.

PHP helps you to create futuristic and entertaining websites and applications. The latest version of PHP, known as PHP 7.4, enhances user experience.

You can also perform several incredible tasks with PHP 7.4. Want to know what you can do with the latest version of PHP and MySQL web development?

Top incredible uses of PHP development language

Some developers think that PHP and MySQL web development language is only used for web pages development. But you will be surprised after knowing the following use of PHP language-

  1. Send notification to your client.

PHP is not only a programming language. It also helps you reduce dependence on third-party email services. For example, PHP lets you create an email list of clients.PHP also helps you send notifications to customers. 

     2. Cyber security 

The number of cyber-attacks is increasing. 64% of companies have faced cyber attacks. That’s why the need for cyber security is increasing. Every company has to make its website safe from hackers.

You can integrate cyber security with your website with the help of PHP. PHP can hold the username and password of your client on a database with full encryption. This feature of PHP helps you to secure the data of your clients.

You can also add two or more step verification for the login of your client username and password. After login, your website will ask for the code sent to the client’s phone number or email address. Most websites and banks use two-step verification to secure website and user data from hackers.

    3. CMS system

The needs of every company from their website is different, and these needs differ from time to time. For example, everyone needs to update data and content on their websites, and some of you want to change the website’s content.

The CMS system is one of the essential needs of every website owner. CMS System helps you manage and update data or content over the website. You can edit or manage the website’s content with some simple steps.

PHP helps you to create and secure a user-friendly CMS system. Some experts have suggested creating CMS with scratch for your website. So if you want to create a secure and user-friendly CMS, PHP is best for you.

     4. E-Commerce development

It takes a lot of time to create an E-commerce website, and it needs extra effort to create E-commerce websites. However, PHP makes development easy. Therefore, you can avail many benefits by creating an E-Commerce website with PHP.

Instead of writing a complete code from scratch, you can use the PHP framework to develop an E-commerce website. Laravel, Symphony, CakePHP, and more are the most used framework to create an E-commerce website. In addition, you can readily access source code from the libraries of these frameworks.

PHP frameworks reduce time and reduce the effort to create an E-commerce website. As a result, many E-commerce companies use these frameworks to develop an E-commerce website and application.

   5. Create images and social media filters

Many are unaware of this feature of PHP. You can also create images with the help of PHP. In addition, you can also create filters for social media platforms like Instagram, apart from photos.

A toolset of GD libraries function in PHP library lets you create graphics in a few lines of code. You can also create filters for Instagram with the PHP extension name Imagick.


Php development is an open-source scripted language used in the web development process. You can avail several benefits of using PHP.

The list of things mentioned above in this article is a quick view. You can also use this language to perform more tasks like AMP integration, cookie handling, and more.


mobile applications.

Business strategies are becoming more complex and advanced and enterprises are now shifting towards mobile applications. However, the developers need to build an apt platform using the right set of development tools to reach out to consumers. Over the past few years, the number of programming languages increased for both Android and iOS. 

The fate of a business is completely dependent on choosing the right technology for mobile app development. 

Certainly, mobile apps are playing an important role in our day-to-day lives. If you want to book a ride, shop online, connect virtually, there are numerous advanced technological mobile apps available at your fingertips. 

Have you ever wondered about the things used in making a mobile application that make your life easier? It is also a clear fact that location-based service apps are driving the generation of today. 

Today, numerous mobile app development frameworks are available to give you the best user experience. And these app development frameworks help developers to build mobile apps within a specific time and budget. 

Types of mobile development frameworks:

  1. Native Mobile Development Frameworks
  2. Cross-Platform Development Frameworks

As there are many options available, it is not easy to choose the best framework for app development. It requires more thinking!

While you search for which is the best mobile app development framework? the answer is there is no best. It depends on the requirements of your project.

To help you make a decision, Let’s understand some of the top frameworks for mobile app development. 

10 Most Popular Mobile App Development Frameworks

Listed below are the popular mobile development frameworks that you should look forward to in 2023

1. React Native

Facebook launched React Native and is now one of the most popular cross-platform frameworks available today. Mobile app developers highly prefer it as it offers immense support to the IDEs, along with other mobile app development tools.

It offers an optimal Javascript framework for creating native apps for Android and iOS platforms.

React Native is used for the development of Android and iOS platforms. High-performance mobile apps can be easily built using this framework with less time. As its a cross-platform mobile app development framework, it uses the same code base for iOS and Android applications. To get more idea on React Native, have a look at Real Native vs React Native.


  • Code Re-usability & Cost-Effective
  • Compatible third-party plugins
  • Declarative API for predictive UI
  • Supports iOS and Android
  • Ease of Maintenance

2. Flutter

Google launched Flutter. It is available as an open-source SDK written in Dart language. Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development framework that uses one code base for Android and iOS applications. It is suitable for developing hybrid apps and makes use of a 2D rendering engine referred to as Skia, which is used to create visuals. Newly launched Flutter is the best hybrid mobile app development frameworks


  • Built-in material design
  • Flexible User interface 
  • Fast Development
  • Support both iOS & Android
  • Strong widget support
  • High-performance application

3. Ionic

It is free of cost and is another highly preferred framework for developing apps. A client-side framework and helps in building native-based apps with HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript. It supports the latest mobile devices and offers a robust ground for mobile apps. You can also build hybrid apps as they provide HTML 5. It works well with SDK kits such as Angular and is ideal for working with PhoneGap and Cordova. 


  • Intuitive UI components
  • Faster application development
  • Powerful & stable development platform
  • Platform Independent
  • Complete control over app building

4. Xamarin

Microsoft introduced Xamarin. To make the best use of Xamarin, it is essential that you carry out C# codebase and develops apps for Windows, iOS, and Android. It is possible to share code with Windows and Mac OS platforms with this tool, which in return saves a lot of the developer’s time.


  • Versatile backend infrastructure
  • Easy API integration
  • Cost-Effective and Faster development process
  • Targets every platform
  • Storyboard files

5. Adobe PhoneGap

It allows developers to build apps in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. If you want to build a hybrid app, then this should be your go-to option any day. It has a cross-platform app development framework. It offers developers the freedom with work without hardware restrictions. You can build apps for both Android and iOS platforms with this tool. 


  • Robust Support
  • Flexibility
  • Compatible on all the platforms
  • Code reusability
  • Strong Backend

6. Corona SDK

It is one of the quickest frameworks when compared to its competitors. One of the best things about it is that it is supported by Lua, which is a light-weight programming language and offers speed, flexibility, and ease of usage to develop apps. If you want to code at a fast speed without compromising on the quality of the app, then you should try this out. It is supported on both Windows and Mac OS. 


  • Lua-based platform
  • Pre-dominant APIs
  • Multiple plugins available
  • Strong API support
  • Faster development process

7. JQuery Mobile

This is an HTML5 based mobile development framework and can be run across all devices with just a single code version. It is easier to build both mobile apps and websites with this particular app and is supported by operating systems such as Mac OS, Kindle, Firefox, Blackberry, and more. 

It is easy to download the jQuery version with two variants, which include customized framework or the latest stable version. Its popularity and demand are growing day by day as it offers faster app development in combination with plugins.


  • Lightweight size
  • Various Add-on plugins
  • Automatic initialization
  • Responsive framework
  • Simple API

8. Intel XDK

It helps in creating meaningful apps in combination with the plugin and offers a cross-platform app development framework. With this, it is easy to develop responsive and interactive apps for all devices. 

It is also easy to test, debug, and emulate apart from developing the app. supports technologies such as IoT and popular frameworks such as Node.js. It is easy to preview your project live in case you are making changes in the code and can even drag and drop the apps.


  • Available for Windows, Linux, and Mac
  • Compatible on all the platforms
  • Flexible User interface 
  • Support multiple UI frameworks
  • Supports Cordova plugin
  • App debug and profiling options

9. Native Scripts

Native Scripts is an open-source framework to create native mobile applications. It is one of the top frameworks for developing hybrid apps. It uses Native scripts and utilizes similar APIs, which are similar to using Android Studio and Xcode. You will get enough help with the help of tutorials from the website. The framework helps to create Android and iOS apps with a single codebase. 


  • Cross-Platform Development
  • Direct access to Android & iOS APIs
  • Native Performance
  • Code Re-usability
  • Strong Backend Support

10. Mobile Angular UI

It uses the combination of Angular and Bootstrap frameworks and eases the process of mobile development. With this, you can build apps with the help of HTML5 with this tool. Moreover, developers can also use overthrow.js and fastclick.js to offer a seamless experience to visitors. Not only this, but it is also a free mobile development framework. 


  • Responsive Framework
  • Interactive Components
  • No jQuery dependencies
  • Build fully responsive interfaces with a super-small CSS file

Check the examples for Web/Mobile Application Technology Stacks.


Choosing the right mobile development framework is extremely important to build a robust website. Moreover, as the requirement for every framework is different, you should make a sound choice among the tools so that you can build and develop the mobile app effectively, which is easy to use. 

If you are searching for a mobile app development team then our dedicated development team can help you to build your web or mobile application.


mobile application

11 steps to creating a successful new mobile application.

Today, there’s an app for almost every service you can think of. However, this doesn’t mean no more apps are created. On the contrary thousands of new apps are created each day with very unique ideas. Whether it’s a unique idea that you haven’t found an app to solve or an idea that an app already addresses but you can do better, new apps will continue to be churned out every other day.

So if have had this idea for an app but don’t know how to execute it, here are 11 steps to creating a successful new mobile application.

1. Address a need

The first step to creating anything is addressing a need. If your app doesn’t solve a problem or satisfy a consumer need, why should people use it?

Of course, the need that your app addresses can already be addressed by another app or apps provided that your app does a better job. Of course, the really successful apps are those that address a need that no existing app has addressed yet. After all, every app that addresses the same need can be seen as in competition with each other. If your app addresses a unique need, it has no competition.

2. Identify your audience and revenue model

The next step is two-fold. It involves identifying an audience and in identifying a revenue model.

Identifying an audience is important for developing an marketing your app. If your app addresses a unique need, what kind of people will want to use it? If your app doesn’t address a unique need, why should people use your app instead of someone else’s? Figuring out the kind of people that will be using your app will help you to develop it with them in mind. Once your app is developed, it will also help you to market it to the people who are most likely to pay for it.

That brings us to the next thing that you will need to identify, namely a revenue model. Developing apps cost money. Ideally, your app will be able to raise at least enough money to pay for itself. The only question left is how. Some apps cost money. Having an identified audience can help you to determine how much to charge for your app if this is the revenue model you choose. The other revenue model is to have a free app that runs advertisements. The companies that advertise on your app will then pay your app for advertising space. That’s how radio works. It can be a good investment if you use your free app to advertise your investment. It can also raise your money if you get other companies to advertise through your add.

3. Market research

If you’ve been following along, you probably still have a lot of questions. Market research can provide those answers. Market research involves determining what similar apps already exist. It also answers other questions like how much are people willing to pay for those apps and how much are companies willing to advertise through them.

Conducting market research can cost time and money. Not conducting market research can mean sinking money into an app that no one is willing to pay for.

4. Design your app

Once you have done your market research, it’s time to design your app. Of course, you can hire people to design it for you. They’ll need something to work from, however. You can use tools like Marvel app, Invision app to make what’s called a mock-up. That’s a visual representation of what you want your app to look like.

If you aren’t that computer savvy, you can just draw the mock-up.

5. Identify your development approach

Once you have an idea of what your app will look like, you will have to identify an approach to develop the app.

You could hire someone to develop the app with you looking over their shoulder. You could also outsource app development to a company/agency. Regardless of selecting a full-time developer, freelancer or development agency, you as the product owner is responsible for the mobile app specifications. Here are a guide and editable template on how to write kick-ass specs for mobile apps. It also means that you spend less of your valuable time dealing with app development yourself. Which route you choose should depend on how much you want to put into the app and how much you know about app development.

6. Develop a prototype

Once you know what your app to be and how you want to develop it, the next step is to develop a prototype. The prototype will let you and some of your users know what the app will look like when it’s done. There are two major platforms out there for mobile apps: Apple and Android. For your first app, you should probably pick one platform or other and treat it as a learning experience. Developing an app for multiple platforms can be time consuming and expensive. In the long run, it might be worth your time but take things slow to start out.

7. Identify matrices and measurements

The next step is to identify the metrics that you will use to measure the success of your app. It is important to choose metrics that also relate to the success of your business. After all, if your app isn’t doing well for your business, it might as well not be doing well at all.

The metrics that you come up with will help you decide whether to launch your app as is or invest additional time and resources into it.

8. Identify beta testers

Now that you have metrics chosen, you must test those metrics through beta testers. Beta testers are a limited group of people that will be allowed access to prototype versions of your app. Also called user testing or beta testing is often a way to identify issues that programmers couldn’t identify.

Beta testers should be the kind of people that will use the final version of the app. These are the people that are most likely to identify problems that real users would run into.

9. Release the app

Once you have collected feedback from your beta testers and incorporated it into the final version of the app, it is time to release it to the appropriate app store. That’s the Android Marketplace or the App Store on iTunes. This will allow people all over the world to download your app. That means that this is where the app starts to make you money. It also means that it had better be the best possible version of your app.

How to prevent App Store rejecting your app?

10. Capture Metrics

Once your app has been released you can start collecting metrics from real users. These metrics should help you to understand how people use your app, but it should also help you to understand how people use your business. You can also continue testing at this time.

The most efficient mode of testing is called split testing. Split testing involves having different versions of your app available at the same time. This allows you to determine which version users prefer.

11. Upgrade your app

Once your app has been downloaded a few times and users are engaging with it, you can begin to think about updating or adding features to your app. Updating and adding features are great ways to expand your audience. This also makes your app more appealing to people who already use it. When an app updates, it reminds your users that you are catering to their needs by keeping an up-to-date mobile application.

Conclusion – Building a Successful Mobile App

Creating an app is always hard. It can be even harder for people who haven’t made an app before. Hopefully, this article will help you to navigate the complications that come from being a first-time app publisher. If you have a great idea for the next killer app, talk to our app developers.